


The first step in our collaboration involves a strategic meeting that encompasses a full review of your organization's past and a conversation about your future aspirations.


Private Consulting

Following the initial session, I offer customized private consulting services at an hourly rate. The frequency and number of sessions will be planned according to your company's growth plan.



I also offer custom-tailored workshops at a fixed price designed specifically for you and your team. Our interactive and engaging workshops will provide practical solutions and actionable insights to help you achieve your purpose.

For who?

Impact Leaders, Purpose-Led Entrepreneurs, Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs, Creative Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs, Social Enterprise Owners, CXOs, Designers, Researchers, Change-Makers — for people who want to grow their business and make positive change happen.



Your company's culture forms the essence of your organization, comprising the atmosphere where your strategic vision evolves. Culture is experiential, built by incorporating your purpose (the "why") and values (the "how") into your operations (systems) and initiatives.

Questions we'll answer

● What is the purpose behind your company's existence?

● What steps can your company take to realize its vision, and how can you ensure unified and strategic decision-making?

● How can you operationalize your company culture to support growth?



"Visioning" refers to the act of planning for the long-term future of a business, starting from the end goal and working backwards to identify the steps needed to get there the impact it will have on consumers, employees, and you, the founder. It's a backwards-engineered plan that outlines the necessary milestones to achieve the desired outcome, providing a clear roadmap for progress.

Questions we'll answer

What is the "destination" of your business?

● What is your plan for your legacy or exit?

● What is the common objective that your team is striving to achieve?

What are the significant milestones required to reach your vision in the next 1, 3, or 5 years?



Entrepreneurs often start their own business to achieve financial freedom and security. Our strategic planning services focus on creating a business that aligns with your lifestyle goals. We offer a comprehensive approach that includes personal budgeting, historical financial analysis, key number analysis, and the creation of financial projections.

Entrepreneurs often start their own business to achieve financial freedom and security. Our strategic planning services focus on creating a business that aligns with your lifestyle goals. We offer a comprehensive approach that includes personal budgeting, historical financial analysis, key number analysis, and the creation of financial projections.

Entrepreneurs often start their own business to achieve financial freedom and security. Our strategic planning services focus on creating a business that aligns with your lifestyle goals. We offer a comprehensive approach that includes personal budgeting, historical financial analysis, key number analysis, and the creation of financial projections.

Questions we'll answer

What is your personal financial goal and how much money do you need from your business to achieve it?

How can your personal values be used to set realistic business projections that will support your lifestyle?

What are the necessary financial projections to achieve your vision, including the cost of building an organizational chart, offering benefits, covering expenses, and saving for emergencies?

What are the key numbers that serve as the foundation for your financial projections?



The focus of this strategic planning is to transform your financial projections into a growth strategy by developing marketing and sales plans.

Questions we'll answer

Who is your target audience?

What sets you apart in a crowded market?

How do you select the appropriate platforms?

How can you use your values to craft messaging that resonates with and connects to communities?

How can you create messaging that communicates your unique benefits and has an emotional impact?



This strategic effort aims to create the necessary systems to realize your vision, enabling you to shift your focus from day-to-day operations to the bigger picture.

Questions we'll answer

How can you establish the framework for fostering a healthy organizational culture?

How can you implement your values in your operations?

How can you disengage from daily operations?



Let's have a chat and see how I can help you to achieve your goals.